Be Our Guest & Feel Your Best Relaxation at its Peak...
Wild Loop wayand located a bit on the outskirts of wayanad Meppadi Chooramala village surounded by tea plantation and just beside vayalar rivar. Wild loop is set amids 2 acres of cofee plantation enriched with a mutitude of trees and other plants like wild jack, Maruthi, Vendak, Vengeal, Mango, Jack fruit, Konna, gooseberry, malabar plum, avocado, matti, areca palm, cova, rose apple, cashew and etc. All our Guests are offered cheerful comfort with exceptional levels of personalized service.

Our Vision
We aspire to be the most preferred and leading adventure resort for guests visiting Wayanad

Our Mission
Put hospitality services on the highest level in order to satisfy the demands and expectations of guests.

Our Values
Our core values are of flexibility, excellence, professionalism, safety, innovation in all we do